• Last modified 1406 days ago (April 7, 2021)


Activity reports

Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.</p>


March 29 — Officers investigated a non-injury accident in the 300 block of N. Ash St.

March 30 — Police checked out a report of an attempted scam.

March 31 — Police towed an abandoned vehicle, investigated a parking complaint in the 300 block of S. Cedar St., and found a suspect operating an illegal vehicle. Officers checked on a dog complaint in the 100 block of S. Cedar St. Officers investigated a report of a possible domestic disturbance in the 200 block of N. Washington St., but everything is OK. Police checked out an alarm in the 200 block of N. Ash St. and a controlled burn on the south edge of town. Police investigated a non-injury accident in the 100 block of N. Washtington.

April 1 — Police arrested a suspect for driving while their license was suspended. Officers investigated a report of a reckless driver in the 700 block of W. B St. Police investigated a child custody dispute in the 200 block of S. Madison St. and a report of trespassing in the 200 block of W. B St.

Saturday — Police investigated a dog complaint at the high school. Officers checked on a report of someone removing wood pallets from a business, but the pallets were recovered and the owner didn’t want to press charges.

Sunday — Police helped a motorist on US-56 and checked out a dog complaint at D. and Ash Sts.


March 29 — Officers checked out a report of cows out south of town on Sunflower Rd., but none were found.

March 30 — Police checked on someone waiting for a ride near Walnut and Main Sts., and everything was OK.

March 31 — Officers met with a resident in the 300 block of S. Thorp St. about a noise complaint. Police cited a driver on US-56 for speeding.

April 1 — Police checked on a fight reported in the 400 block of S. 4th St., but everything was OK. Officers investigated a report of a disgruntled customer in the 1000 block of E. Main St., but took no action. Police picked up two dogs in the 1000 block of N. Cedar St. and returned them to their owner. Officers cited drivers for equipment violations. Police issued parking citations in the 400 block of Locust St. and in the 900 block of Lawrence St.

Saturday — Police checked out reported nuisance vehicles on property in the 200 block of Walnut St. Officers found a door open in the 100 block of S. 4th St. A person in the 1000 block of E. Main St. was taking pictures of a sign, and not a reporting party who called police.

Sunday — Police cited a drivers on US-56 and 190th near US-256 for driving with suspended licenses.

Last modified April 7, 2021