Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded. Dates may reflect starting or ending dates of officers’ shifts rather than actual dates of occurrence.
May 23 — A complaint of a cat being abused in the 300 block of E. 1st St. remains under investigation. Also remaining under investigation is a domestic disturbance in the 400 block of W. Grand Ave. A report of shots being fired in the 400 block of S. Cedar St. proved unfounded. A dog running free in the 700 block of W. Grand Ave. was returned to its owner. A jump start was given to a motorist in the 400 block of N. Ash St. property that came to be in police custody was returned to a resident.
May 24 — A lost elderly person was helped back to her home. A suspicious vehicle in Hillsboro Heights proved to belong to a person fishing in the city pond.
May 25 — A skunk and a dog were reported to be running free in the 300 block of Eisenhower St., but neither was found. A driver in the 300 block of N. Adams St. was ticketed for having an expired license.
Thursday — An accident in which a vehicle at Wendy’s was backed into remains under investigation. A 911 call in the 700 block of W. Grand Ave. apparently was unintentional.
Friday — No signs of abuse were found when police met with the owner of a dog allegedly abused in the 400 block of N. Ash St. A motorist stuck in mud at Goldenrod at 240th Rds. was helped. Children playing in storm drains at the city pool were warned of the danger. A driver at Adams at C Sts. was cited for having no license or registration. A ride was provided for a person treated at Hillsboro Community Hospital.
Saturday — A driver on US-56 east of Industrial Rd. was cited for speeding. Police answered questions from a resident about a property issue.
Sunday — A tree branch fell on a vehicle in the 400 block of S. Cedar St. Police assisted a resident with a civil matter.
Monday — An injury accident at Memorial Park was investigated.
May 23 — Yards for which notices that mowing was needed were checked. An additional mowing letter was served. A car seat abandoned in the 300 block of E. Main St. was picked up. A resident of the 500 block of N. Cedar St. could not be located when police attempted to check on the person’s welfare.
May 24 — Police helped a homeowner in the 200 block of S. Freeborn St. remove a skunk from his backyard. Two dogs running free were picked up by their owner. Three drivers were warned for speeding or equipment violations.
May 25 — Radar was used to check drivers’ speeds in the 900 block of N. Cedar St.
Thursday — An open door at a business was secured. Reports of trespassing in the 300 block of S. Cedar St. and of suspicious activity in the 1500 block of Victory Lane were determined to be unfounded. Traffic control was provided during sewer repair in the 800 block of E. Main St.
Friday — Police helped a resident locked out of a house in the 300 block of S. Cedar St. A driver was warned for speeding. Police found no problems when checking on a vehicle parked after hours at a business in the 900 block of E. Main St. or when checking on the welfare of a person near Main and Vine Sts.
Saturday — Four drivers were warned about equipment violations. Police helped Kiwanis Club members put out flags at the cemetery. A vehicle parked in a no-parking zone was moved after police met with the driver. Police also checked on a person who appeared to a having a hard time mowing a yard on S. 3rd St. and were told a vehicle abandoned at Main and Vine Sts. would be retrieved by the owner the next day.
Sunday — Stopped at 8:09 p.m. at Main and Cedar Sts. for having an obstructed license plate, Cassandra Beisly, 38, Newton, was arrested on suspicion of driving while her license was suspended and having no proof of liability insurance. Three other drivers were warned for speeding or equipment violations. Suspicious activity reported in the 100 block of N. Freeborn St. was not found.
Monday — No arrests were made after police investigated a verbal disturbance in the 400 block of S. 3rd St. and possible trespassing in the 400 block of S. 4th St. Storm debris was removed from roadways. No problems were found with suspicious activity reported in the 100 block of N. Freeborn St. A dog reported to be running loose at Main and 1st Sts. was not found. The welfare of a resident of the 400 block of Santa Fe St. was checked.
Last modified June 2, 2022