• Last modified 178 days ago (Aug. 21, 2024)



Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded. Dates may reflect starting or ending dates of officers’ shifts rather than actual dates of occurrence.


Aug. 12 — A possible scam was reported in the 600 block of S. Washington St. What had been reported as a suspicious vehicle south of Hillsboro on Indigo Rd. turned out to be someone attempting to view the Perseid meteor shower.

Aug. 13 — A hit-and-run accident was reported in the 100 block of E. A St. Drivers was warned for speeding in the 900 block of E. D St. and for running a stop sign at Ash and D Sts.

Aug. 14 — A driver was warned for speeding in the 900 block of E. D St. Police met with a resident about a civil matter.

Thursday — An injured Mississippi kite bird reported in the 200 block of Kennedy St. was gone before police arrived. Loss of a cell phone was reported. Police found no storm damage in checking a house of someone who lives out of state. Drivers were warned for speeding in the 900 block of E. D St. and for having no taillights in the 800 block of S. Ash St.

Friday — A speeder was ticketed for going 81 mph in a 65-mph zone on US-56 at Adams St. Code enforcement letters were delivered to property owners who need to clean up their properties. Drivers were warned for having no lights at Wilson and A St. and for having a defective headlight on US-56.

Saturday — The remains of a coyote that had been hit by a car at 160th and Indigo Rds. were removed from the roadway. A dog was reported loose in the 300 block of S. Cedar St. Police talked to residents about a civil matter and about a child custody issue. A driver was warned for speeding at Ash and D Sts.

Sunday — Trapped for an hour, Larry Schafer of L&L Cleaning in Durham was freed without injury from an elevator at MB Foundation after firefighters lifted it a couple of inches so he could crawl out. A driver was warned for speeding at D and Lincoln Sts.


Investigation of a criminal damage complaint Aug. 8 from the 600 block of E. Main St. concluded that what police saw was old damage.

Aug. 12 — Drivers were warned for speeding at US-56 and Cedar St. and at US-56 and Industrial St. No problems were found in checking on a resident of the 400 block of Forest St.

Aug. 13 — Two drivers were warned for speeding at US-56 and Industrial St., and one was warned at US-56 and Cedar St.

Aug. 14 — A break-in reported at Marion County Ace Hardware is still being investigated. Police also investigated a report of a runway juvenile.

Thursday — Police dealt with an out-of-control student at Oasis special education school. A resident asked about watching a home during a vacation.

Friday — Drivers were warned for an equipment violation at Main and Lincoln Sts. and for speeding at US 56 and Industrial St. and US-56 and Cedar St. Police checked on the welfare of a resident of Homestead Affordable Housing.

Saturday — Two drivers were warned for speeding at US-56 and Cedar St. Drivers also were warned for speeding at Main and 2nd Sts. and at US-56 and Industrial St.

Sunday — Travis D. Morrison, 24, Emporia, was arrested at US-56 and Industrial St. on suspicion of driving without a license and with am illegal license plate; he was released three hours later after posting a $2,000 bond. A driver at Main and 3rd Sts. was ticketed for speeding.

Last modified Aug. 21, 2024