Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded. Dates may reflect starting or ending dates of officers’ shifts rather than actual dates of occurrence.
Dec. 9 — A carpet stretcher in a red case was reported lost. Door-to-door solicitors were reported in the area of Elm St. Police conferred with school officials about a student. A resident planning to be out of town asked to have a home checked.
Dec. 10 — Police conferred with Department of Children and Families officials about a pending investigation. A resident was notified about a relative’s vehicle having broken down.
Dec. 11 — A driver was warned for not using lights when required. A parking complaint in the 100 block of E. Grand Ave. was investigated. Police conferred with a resident about a civil issue.
Thursday — A person reportedly was going door to door in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. Police continued to work with DCF on a complaint. Police again conferred with a resident about a civil issue. No problems were found in checking on someone at Salem Home, on a panic alarm at Casey’s General Store, and on a disconnected 911 call from the 300 block of Arbor Ct.
Friday — A driver at Wilson and A Sts. was warned for running a stop sign. No problems were found after investigating a report of a person suspiciously walking and talking to herself near downtown.
Saturday — Police located the owner of a dog loose in the 400 block of S. Ash St. A dead deer reported on a road south of Hillsboro was not found.
Sunday — Police again conferred with a resident about a civil issue.
Dec. 9 — Police talked to the owner of a calf injured by loose dogs in the 300 block of Burbridge St. and to a person involved in a non-injury accident in March.
Dec. 10 — Drivers were warned about blocking alleys in the 100 blocks of N. 3rd and N. 5th Sts. Police again talked to the calf owner. Drivers were warned for having defective equipment in the 100 block of S. Lincoln St. and near 3rd and Welch Sts. and for speeding near 3rd and Water Sts.
Dec. 11 — A wallet was found at Ampride. A person asked to leave a home in the 100 block of W. Santa Fe St. had departed before police arrived. Police stood by at the US-56/77/K-150 during a pursuit from Dickinson County. Drivers were warned for having defective equipment near US-56 and Cedar St. and for speeding near Main and 5th Sts.
Thursday — An intoxicated pedestrian in the 900 block of E. Main St. was driven to Peabody. Four US-56 drivers were warned for speeding — two near Cedar St. and two near Timber Rd.
Friday — Police talked to a resident of the 100 block of Billings St. about an animal complaint and a possible juvenile case. No problems were found in checking on a person in the 100 block of E. Santa Fe St. Drivers on Main St. were warned for speeding near 1st St. and Elm St.
Saturday — Drivers were warned about defective equipment near Main and Lincoln St. and near Main and Arbor Sts. and for speeding near Main and Locust St. Relatives of a person involved in a fatal car wreck at US-56/K-15/Bison Rd. were notified.
Sunday — A 3-year-old found in the 100 block of Billings St. was placed in protective custody. Johnathan C. Prebble, 21, Lincolnville, was arrested on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Drivers were warned for defective equipment near Main and 4th Sts., Cedar and Denver Sts., and Main and Roosevelt Sts.
Last modified Dec. 18, 2024