• Last modified 643 days ago (May 4, 2023)


Quiz: How many work for city?

Community enrichment director Margo Yates asked Marion City Council members Monday to buy $25 buttons for all full-time city employees to attend Chingawassa Days, a longtime perk for staff.

Council member Zach Collett had a question, though. How much would it cost the city based on the number of full-time staff?

“I didn’t know there was going to be a quiz,” Yates said.

“This seems like a pretty easy quiz when you’re asking us to pay,” Collett said.

City officials in the room then tried to figure out how many full-time employees there were. One recently quit, someone mentioned. But new city administrator Brogan Jones started Monday, canceling out the employee who resigned.

When no one could determine an exact number, they decided 20 was a good estimate. City council members voted 4-0 to approve the expense. Jerry Kline did not attend the meeting.

Last modified May 4, 2023