• Last modified 724 days ago (Feb. 22, 2023)


Ramona woman honored for having a barrel of fun

Staff writer

Lori Lockhart wanted to be a jockey when she grew up.

When it looked as if that wasn’t going to happen, she turned to barrel racing. A Ramona resident, she has competed since the late ’90s.

Kansas District 5 of the National Barrel Horse Association recently recognized Lockhart with a “Helping Hand” award for her volunteer work at races.

“There’s just one of me, and I can’t be everywhere,” district director Kris Hanson said. “Lori came to every race and helped without being asked. She just jumped right in.”

The district gave her a blanket stand to thank her.

She also received a headstall to recognize her as the senior highpoint barrel racing contestant for the year.

A headstall is the portion of a bridle that wraps around a horse’s head and onto which a bit is attached.

Lockhart competes in the senior class for barrel racers 50 and older.

“I’m the fastest of the slow group,” she said, laughing.

The Helping Hand award was a shock, she said.

“Oh, my gosh, I was very surprised,” she said. “I didn’t expect that at all.”

She prefers not to pick up barrels anymore, but she’ll do it if Hanson needs her to, and she’s happy to help with most other tasks, she said.

The blanket holder is for a blanket for her horse, Carefree Cat, whom she calls Cat. People chuckle when they hear her call out Cat’s name, she said.

“I’m obsessed with horses,” she said. “I’ve met a lot of friends barrel racing that are absolutely my best friends.”

Last modified Feb. 22, 2023