• Last modified 755 days ago (Jan. 12, 2023)


Repeat violator gets short stay in jail

Staff writer

Darin L. Hill, 53, Ramona, was booked into jail at 9:39 p.m. Thursday on suspicion of stalking in violation of a protection order.

He was released on his own recognizance half an hour later.

It was Hill’s fourth arrest. He previously was arrested June 6 on suspicion of stalking and released 1½ hours later on $2,500 bond. He was jailed Nov. 11, 2020, to serve a 10 day sentence not specified in any court records, and July 31, 2018, on suspicion of attempted failure to appear in court. He was released eight minutes later that time on a $200 cash bond.

In an ongoing case filed Thursday, Hill is charged with three counts of violation of a protection order.

He was charged May 18 with two counts of violation of a protection order. The case was dismissed Sept. 12.

He was charged May 17 with five counts of violation of a protection order. He pleaded no contest Sept. 12 to two counts and was sentenced to a year’s probation. The other counts were dropped.

He was charged Dec. 9, 2021, with disorderly conduct. That case was dismissed Sept 12.

He was charged March 26, 2018, with driving without liability insurance and pleaded guilty Feb. 26, 2019.

He was charged Oct. 13, 2015, with disorderly conduct and pleaded no contest Jan. 13, 2016.

Last modified Jan. 12, 2023