• Last modified 1024 days ago (April 28, 2022)


Reservoir walleye regulations change

Fishermen may keep shorter walleye caught at at Marion Reservoir. The change came in response to a four-year study to improve walleye fishing opportunities.

Anglers may harvest three walleye 18 inches and longer, with no more than one fish 21 inches or longer, per day.

During 2020 and 2021, anglers could take five walleye 21 inches and longer per day. This was done to increase the number of walleye longer than 18 inches.

The new limits will last through December 2023. Marion Reservoir is one of three Kansas reservoirs able to sustain a fishable walleye population. A major goal of the study is increasing walleye brood stock.

Reservoir fishery staff members will conduct a creel survey from March through October to gather harvest information and get angler input regarding the study.

Last modified April 28, 2022