• Last modified 1343 days ago (June 9, 2021)


Roads could take 8 weeks

Staff writer

It could take six to eight more weeks for county road crews to fix damage to roads caused by last month’s flooding, county engineer Brice Goebel told county commissioners Monday.

“We had water coming out of flat wheat fields,” Goebel said. “It’s just unbelievable.”

The past two weeks since the storm have been spent recovering both rock and paved roads.

“In the four or five sections that we’ve had the blademen look at, we’re looking at 3 pages of places where we need rock,” Goebel said. “If you go west of Remington Rd. on 230th, it wiped out that whole mile. There are places where it’s down to dirt.”

While a rough estimate of cost can be made, the individual needs of each road and what it will cost exactly to fix them is still unknown. Just transporting rock could cost as much as $48,000 in addition to the cost of purchasing the rock, Goebel said.

Last modified June 9, 2021