• Last modified 171 days ago (Aug. 29, 2024)


Scouting for food yields haul for food bank

Marion Boy Scouts spent Sunday afternoon gathering 470 pounds of food during their Scouting for Food service project.

The troop and the pack combined have 15 members who come from Marion, Lincolnville, and Hillsboro, Scoutmaster Jess Snyder said.

Before gathering food donations Sunday, troop members put flyers on doors and then drove past houses Sunday to look for bags of food set out for the project.

After gathering at Marion’s Sports and Aquatic Center, members divided into three groups to gather food.

Last year, the troop collected 300 pounds of food. The year before, the boys collected 1,500 pounds.

The county has only one troop and one pack. Snyder said. A recruitment event is planned from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at SAC.

Scouts begin working on Eagle Scout projects as early as sixth grade, and anyone with an idea for an Eagle Scout project is encouraged to make suggestions.

Snyder can be reached by text at (620) 877-0235 or email at

Last modified Aug. 29, 2024