Marion Senior Center
Milk available with all meals. Reservations accepted until 9 a.m. daily at (620) 382-2942.
Thursday — Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, tossed salad, apple crisp, whole wheat roll.
Friday — Baked fish, macaroni and cheese, broccoli, applesauce/pumpkin squares, whole wheat roll.
Monday — Chili, coleslaw, peaches, cinnamon roll.
Tuesday — Hamburger steak, creamed potatoes/peas, pineapple dream, whole wheat bread.
Oct. 25 — Smothered pork chops, apple glazed sweet potatoes, broccoli, honey apple crisp, pineapple tidbits, whole wheat roll.
Oct. 26 — Creamy turkey bake, roasted red potatoes, steamed cabbage, cinnamon raisin biscuits, sliced peaches.