Menus subject to change. Milk available with all meals.
Reservations at (620) 947-2304.
Thursday — Meatballs, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, fruit, hot roll.
Friday — Salmon patty or barbecue ribette, roasted potatoes, cream peas, melon, roll.
Monday — Sausage gravy with biscuits, hashbrowns, stewed tomatoes, fresh fruit.
Tuesday — Lasagna, tossed salad, peaches, bar cookie, garlic bread.
Aug. 9 — Roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, peach slices, hot roll.
Aug. 10 — Swiss steak, baked potato, glazed carrots, mixed fruit, wheat bread.
Reservations at (620) 382-2942.
Thursday — Meatballs, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, fruit, whole-wheat bread.
Friday — Salmon patty, roasted potatoes, cream peas, melon, whole-wheat bread.
Monday — Sausage gravy with biscuit, hashbrowns, stewed tomatoes, fresh fruit.
Tuesday — Lasagna, tossed salad, peaches, cookie, garlic bread.
Aug. 9 — Pulled pork on bun, sweet potato, steamed broccoli, applesauce.
Aug. 10 — Swiss steak, baked potato, glazed carrots, mixed fruit, whole-wheat bread.
Reservations at (620) 983-2226.
Thursday — Meatballs, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, fruit, hot roll.
Friday — Barbecue ribette or salmon patty, roasted potatoes, cream peas, melon, hot roll.
Monday — Sausage gravy with biscuit, hashbrowns, stewed tomatoes, fresh fruit.
Tuesday — Lasagna, tossed salad, peaches, bar cookie, garlic bread.
Aug. 9 — Oven-baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed broccoli, strawberry shortcake, hot roll.
Aug. 10 — Swiss steak, baked potato, glazed carrots, mixed fruit, wheat bread.