• Last modified 5339 days ago (July 29, 2010)


3 accused of gang-raping teen

Staff writers

A 63-year-old convicted sex offender, a 37-year-old mother, and her 21-year-old son face gang-rape charges after a coordinated raid Thursday by Peabody and Marion police and sheriff’s deputies.

Each of the three is accused of two counts of rape and single counts of aggravated criminal sodomy, aggravated kidnapping, and battery.

The mother and son also face an additional charge of making a criminal threat to commit violence with the intent of terrorizing.

The accused are:

  • Terry Lee Bowen, 63, of 508 N. Locust St., Peabody.
  • Lora J. Gay, 37, of the same address.
  • Her son, Kenneth J. Frederick II, 21, of 805 N. Poplar Street, Peabody.

All remained in Marion County Jail in lieu of bond Tuesday. Bowen’s bond has been set at $300,000; Frederick’s, at $250,000; and Gay’s, at $200,000.

According to warrants and criminal complaints prepared in advance by the Kansas attorney general’s office, Bowen and Frederick both had forcible sexual intercourse with a child June 23 or 24.

Bowen also is accused of sodomizing the child, and Gay is accused of having “rude, angry, or insulting” physical contact with her.

All three are further accused of seeking to “aid, abet, advise, counsel, or procure” the alleged activities of the others and of taking the victim by force with the intent of committing bodily harm.

In accordance with state law and newspaper policy, the name of the alleged victim is not being released.

Bowen already is listed on the Kansas Bureau of Investigation’s public sex offender registry for being convicted in November 2000 of two counts of aggravated indecent solicitation of a girl younger than 14 with intent to commit a sex act.

Those incidents occurred May 28 and July 26, 1999, in Peabody, according to the registry.

According to a financial affidavit he filed with District Court, seeking a court-appointed attorney, he is separated or divorced, has been unemployed since September, and lives on Social Security benefits, making child-support payments of $100 a month.

Bowen reported having $100 cash and $5,000 in real estate.

Frederick, whom Peabody Police Chief Bruce Burke identified as Gay’s son, stated on his financial affidavit that he was employed at the time of his arrest by Baker Furniture and Carpet in Peabody.

Gay listed herself as separated or divorced and unemployed, having last worked for a peanut company in Tifton, Ga. She listed the total cash available to her as $9.

Although Peabody was swirling with rumors about details of the arrest and alleged crimes, officials were not releasing additional information.

“The circumstances of the arrests and the evidence that has been gathered could be part of the evidence presented at the preliminary hearing so I cannot comment on those things,” said Gavin Young, public information director for the attorney general’s office. “And the investigation is ongoing. It is against our policy to comment on findings in an open investigation.”

Although the Kansas attorney general’s office authorized the release of photographs of Lora Gay and Ken Frederick II, the Marion County sheriff’s office would not release the photos.

Last modified July 29, 2010