• Last modified 1029 days ago (April 14, 2022)


Shirt happens!

Drug suspect prophetically attired

Staff writer

If Damarius M. Peterson, 21, a 6-foot-7 former wide receiver and defensive end on the Newton High School football team, had known he was going to be pulled over last week by sheriff’s deputy and canine handler Josh Meliza, he might have chosen a different shirt.

During a traffic stop on US-50 at Turkey Creek Rd., Meliza detected a scent like that mentioned on Peterson’s shirt, searched the vehicle, and uncovered what he reported to be illegal drugs.

According to Sheriff Jeff Soyez, the drugs were hidden around the driver’s seat and in a backpack.

Wearing his prophetic shirt, Peterson was booked into Marion County Jail on suspicion of possessing cocaine, drug paraphernalia, and — of course — marijuana.

He was released five hours later on $2,500 surety bond pending a May 4 court date.

Last modified April 14, 2022