• Last modified 1336 days ago (May 19, 2021)


Sludgy lagoon to be repaired sooner than expected

Staff writer

After learning two weeks ago that Hillsboro’s sewer lagoon is in need of improvements, city council members bought the needed equipment Tuesday.

The sludge layer in the lagoon is 18 inches deep and the lagoon is in need of baffles and aeration, Alan Luttrell, with EBH Engineering, told council members at the May 4 meeting.

City administrator Matt Stiles got prices for baffles and aerators.

Stiles told council members Barkman Honey, the largest contributor to lagoon contents, have agreed to work with the city on the needed repairs. He and the honey company have discussed Barkman paying their portion of the needed repairs over a few years.

Stiles said prices on equipment are rising, and he believed it is better for the city to go ahead and make the purchase now.

“The total today is $124,550,” Stiles said.

The sewer fund has more than $1million that can be used.

Stiles said American Rescue Plan money given to the city could be used but he’d rather use sewer fund money right now.

Council member approved the purchase of baffles from Enviroco for $31,950 and aerators from Air-O-Lator for $92,600.

In other matters Tuesday, council members voted to send an engineering services agreement to EBH Engineers for their approval

They also voted to purchase a compactor for street work, renewed employee health insurance, and reviewed a high school senior government class project with suggestions for the city.

Last modified May 19, 2021