• Last modified 417 days ago (Dec. 21, 2023)


State’s hacked court records system partially restored

Staff writer

A limited amount of district court records are now available after partial repairs have been made to a court case management system.

Repairs were needed after an Oct. 12 cyberattack incapacitated the court information system.

Records available before the cyberattack can now be viewed on computers in a hallway next to the court clerk’s office.

Kansas Smart Search, a public system that allows people to remotely view some court records, is not yet restored.

Courts operated on paper filings instead of electronic filings while the court information system was disabled. The paper records have not yet been loaded onto the repaired electronic system.

“Restoring our district court case management system is a much-anticipated milestone in our recovery plan, but we still have a lot of work to do,” Chief Justice Marla Luckert said. “When a court regains access to the case management system, it starts another critical phase in our restoration — updating information.”

This past week, the 3rd, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 19th 23rd, and 27th judicial districts’ case management systems went back online.

Electronic payments can be made after the district court case management system is restored, but balances due may be out of date.

Payments after Oct. 12 are being logged now by the Office of Judicial Administration’s central payment center in Topeka.

Last modified Dec. 21, 2023