• Last modified 1262 days ago (Aug. 26, 2021)


Students scrub cars for T-shirts

Staff writer

Peabody-Burns students got soaked washing cars Monday afternoon for the high school’s student council and booster club.

Money raised will buy Warrior Pride shirts for all Peabody High students.

“Student council selects the design, then they are given to each student at the start of the school year,” sponsor Lillian Lingenfelter said. “So that everyone has a school spirit T-shirt to go to home events and homecoming.”

This is the second year the student council has paid for a free T-shirt for every student.

“We thought it was really important to have school spirit even if we couldn’t have our normal events throughout the year,” Lingenfelter said about last year. “We wanted to show warrior pride and support our students.”

As many as 30 cars were washed by a crew of 15 students.

Cinnamon rolls and cookies baked by Ann Leppke were sold at the same time. Booster Club will use the proceeds to create meals for athletes to take to away games.

Last modified Aug. 26, 2021