• Last modified 0 days ago (Oct. 24, 2024)


Study real issues

To the editor:

Years ago, I listened to people like Newt Gingrich assail Bill Clinton, citing morality and saying “character matters.” Then we found Newt was having an affair while his wife was dying of cancer.

I never voted for Clinton, but I began drifting away from the Republican Party for its hypocrisy, venality, spitefulness, and hatred. 

I believe the glass is half full. I do not care about people immigrating to America. They come here because they find jobs. Who is hiring them? Why don’t we talk about that?

Today more than 30% of construction workers are immigrants. More than 7 million jobs are available. Feel free to apply for one. A poorly educated immigrant cannot displace an educated, motivated, well-groomed, articulate person.

The bigger threat is from private equity investors taking over businesses only to lay off workers, skim profits, sell off land, and lease it back before cashing out and leaving a shell of the former company stranded and destined to fail.

Now, we face a choice of right vs. left. If so much money can be invested in elections, why can’t these “investors” invest in us: Build things that last. Fix roads, bridges, electrical grids, and gas distribution networks. Expand network connectivity. Invest in renewable energy in cooperation with oil and gas companies and in mass transit in cooperation with auto workers. Maybe pay workers an extra $2 an hour by not hiring lobbyists and filing lawsuits.

It’s strange how people can support a person who has filed bankruptcy six times, squandered $400 million he inherited, been convicted of fraud in three separate trials, been accused of sexual assault more than 12 times, been convicted of sexual assault once, and simply makes things up.

I don’t get it. I can see the emperor has no clothes. 

Since I first voted in 1980, I have voted for Republicans more often than Democrats. Today, I vote for the candidate, not the label. This year, I will be voting Democratic.

If you choose differently, ask yourself why. See whether you can cite objective, specific reasons, based on facts and statistical evidence, not just whatever you saw on the Internet.

Check your sources. Educate yourself. Read a book. Sit through a meeting without raising your voice. Join a committee if you want to change. Eat more fruit and vegetables, Drink more water. Take up a new hobby. Clean out your garage. Donate to Goodwill or your church. Quit complaining. The glass is half full.

Doug Gumbrell
Bay Village, Ohio

Last modified Oct. 24, 2024