Supply chain issues could make fireworks sales fizzle out
Less bang, more bucks?
Supply chain issues could make firewoks sales fizzle out
Staff writer
Customers stood in line at a cash register of Roxanne Dallke’s fireworks stand hours after it opened Sunday. She was glad to have something to sell.
A supply chain crisis that has hit many business forced her to scramble for when her wholesaler bailed.
Showalter Fireworks in Hutchinson and Sizzboom of Fredonia stocked the tent at 509 E. 9th St. in Peabody, but it was a close call.
She still was having crates of fireworks delivered Sunday afternoon.
Dallke is urging longime customers not to wait to shop this year, she will not be able to replenish her stock.
“If I am sold out on the third, I might give myself a vacation,” she said.
Her stand will be open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday and 8 a.m. to midnight the rest of the week.
Robert Rempel owner of Charlie’s Fireworks at 455 W. D St. in Hillsboro only got 60 % of what he ordered and customers are sensing a shortage.
He opened at 1 p.m. Sunday and he had 70 people in his tent in half an hour.
“I don’t think I’ll be open the Fourth,” he said.
Big assortments for block parties are popular this year.
“It’s like a whole show in a box,” he said.
The stand is set to be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. until the Fourth.
Trinity Muth, with TNM Fireworks 202 E. Main St. in Marion, was able to buy last year and will have enough to replenish its stock.
“We got a lot of 500 gram cakes and artillery,” he said. “I think people will be surprised with our selection.”
The stand will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. starting July 1.
Last modified July 1, 2021