• Last modified 0 days ago (Oct. 16, 2024)



Tabor and alcohol

To the editor:

It is rare that Tabor College gets front page exposure as it did in the recent publication of the Marion County Record.

I believe the article entitled “Tabor College’s alcohol policies walk the line” gives unintended attention to one of Tabor’s strong points, which is to build a solid foundation not only academically but also regarding a person.s character and values.

Tabor’s purpose is to “prepare people for a life of learning, work, and service for Christ and His kingdom.”

I was disappointed that perhaps the most significant and meaningful quote by student Nathaniel Heilig at the end of the article in the printed edition was edited out.

He said, “I had an awesome encounter with Jesus my sophomore year here that completely changed my life.”

This quote is included in the online article but not in the printed publication.

Tabor College is a place where students have the opportunity to change their lives. Whether or not we change our life is up to us.

Ron Hiebert

Editor’s note: Articles occasionally must be trimmed, typically from the end, for reasons of space in print. We try to restore such trims in our online edition. The print edition did include many other similar statements by Heilig and others about the Christian nature of Tabor education. Such points quite intentionally were featured in the article.

Last modified Oct. 16, 2024