• Last modified 184 days ago (Aug. 15, 2024)


Teachers prepare to greet pupils

Staff writer

Most schools in the county will open their doors this week.

Classes at Peabody began today. Most classes at Centre and Marion begin Thursday. Classes at Hillsboro, the late starter this year, will begin Aug. 22.

Teachers at Marion Elementary School are preparing their classrooms and preparing their schedules for Thursday’s arrival of children.

First grade teachers Denise May, Emily Overton, and Rebecca Hofer met Friday to coordinate lesson plans so all their classes would move at the same pace.

“We kind of map out the whole year, then we kind of plan in detail for the first weeks,” Hofer said. “We have an electronic plan book, so what one types in, the others can see.”

Outings for the year are planned, and teachers are working in depth on the first few weeks of class, Hofer said.

First graders will have a science day a couple of weeks into the school year.

“They love that,” Overton said.

Hofer looks forward to the kids and getting them in the classroom. She loves seeing the “huge growth” that teachers get to see.

The school’s theme this year is “Naturally better together.”

One first grader who attended kindergarten at a different school will be among this year’s students.

The teachers said they were excited for the start of the school year.

May said she looks forward to providing a safe, nurturing classroom atmosphere in which students could learn and have fun.

Four new teachers will be in the building this year. They are McKayla Welch, Lindsey Kauffman, Chelsi Koehn, and Allison Shults.

Messaging between teachers and parents will be handled by use of a Dojo app on cell phones.

Last modified Aug. 15, 2024