• Last modified 782 days ago (Nov. 23, 2022)


Thankful for a break, but not for being sick

Staff writer

Centre canceled school today and Tuesday with hope that sick students and staff would return in good health after Thanksgiving.

Those who aren’t sick likely are thankful for a bonus two days off school.

About 50 students and about a dozen teachers have upper respiratory issues and fever, according to social media. Doctors have diagnosed at least six students with influenza A.

Junior high basketball games with Rural Vista scheduled for Tuesday will be rescheduled.

“Please take care of yourselves and your families and have a wonderful Thanksgiving,” a post Sunday on the school’s Facebook page said.

On Friday, a post said that the district had sent 15 students home because they were vomiting. Some — but not all — of those students also had a fever.

“We had 12 students that were home sick today that didn’t come to school, so we have a major bug going around,” the post said.

Marion County health department advised that students who were vomiting, have a fever, or diarrhea need to stay home for 24 hours after they feel better with medication.

“This is extremely important to keep the bug from spreading to other students and staff,” the post said. “We have students who return to school the day after we send them home. This exposes everyone at school and only makes things worse for everyone else.”

Last modified Nov. 23, 2022