• Last modified 245 days ago (May 23, 2024)


These suckers can really tick you off

Staff writer

Rain has been plentiful so far this year. While that’s great for crops and gardens, tall grass creates a tick hazard.

Outdoor activities, including fishing, camping, hiking, and hunting, bring people incontact with ticks hiding in grass and waiting for prey.

American dog ticks, black legged ticks, and lone star ticks all are found in Kansas and are active April through October.

Already, medical providers in Marion County are treating patients for tick bites.

Several county residents have reported being bitten by lone star ticks — the most prevalent ticks in the east, southeast, and central areas of the state.

Female lone star ticks have a prominent white mark on the back, and males have prominent dark markings.

Lone star ticks are known to carry ehrlichiosis, Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness, and tularemia.

American dog ticks, the second most common ticks in Kansas, are found throughout the state.

Female dog ticks are brown, and males have prominent white stripes.

American dog ticks are responsible for transmission of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.

Black legged ticks are found in eastern parts of Kansas, and high numbers are found in Missouri.

Females have brown to reddish-orange bodies with dark brown or black on the upper body and black legs. Males are black. Black legged ticks transmit Lyme disease.

People younger than age 10 and older than age 65, and people with weakened immune systems are at risk for severe illness from tick bites.

Last modified May 23, 2024