• Last modified 1058 days ago (April 27, 2022)


Tour to highlight area's natural springs

Marion County has more natural springs than any other Kansas county.

Flint Hills Counterpoint of rural Peabody is sponsoring a bus tour May 14 of six natural springs in southern Marion County. They include Summervill Springs, Crystal Springs, Allison Springs, Cayne Spring, Spring Creek, and Marion Central Park Spring.

Tourists will get on buses at 10:45 a.m. at Central Park in Marion. Live music will be provided on buses.

Lunch at Allison Springs near Florence will be included in the $30 price. The Tabor College choir will perform there.

The tour will conclude at 3 p.m. at Marion.

A free panel discussion on water in Marion County will follow from 3 to 4 p.m. in Central Park.

Speakers will include Rex Buchanan, director emeritus of Kansas Geological Survey; Jim Hoy, retired Emporia State University professor; and Heidi Mehl, Healthy Streams for Kansas initiative. They will explore the role water plays in the county’s past, present, and future.

Flint Hills Counterpoint is a Marion County ecology and arts program led by Susan Mayo and sponsored by Humanities Kansas.

More information and tickets are available at

Last modified April 27, 2022