division cases
The following information has been filed in the traffic division of Marion County District Court:
Martin A. Andes, littering from vehicle; fine and costs, $175.
Richard D. Colwell, speed; fine and costs, $216.
Jack D. Cooper, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Fernando E. Cox, speed; fine and costs, $123.
Roger Gary Dunsworth, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Larry L. Healey, speed; fine and costs, $129.
Daniel S. Jones, speed; fine and costs, $135.
Jordan Peters-Kyle, violation of motor carrier safety rules and regulations; fine and costs, $175.
Leslie O. Riggs, speed; fine and costs, $192.
Wendy L. Stewart, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Robert L. Sweet, speed; fine and costs, $141.
Ryan L. Swenson, speed; fine and costs, $174.
Courtney A. Taylor, speed; fine and costs, $210.
Michael J. Warren, speed, failure to wear seatbelt; fine and costs, $135.
Andrew M. Weber, speed; fine and costs, $135.