This information was filed in traffic division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address listed, no address was available on court records.
Emily M. Akers, speeding (75 mph in a 65 mph zone) June 3, $153.
Douglas P. Apley, speeding (81/65) May 6, $267.
Howard A. Buck, Wichita, speeding (83/65) June 16, $153.
Koreen L. Carlton, Junction City, speeding (82/65) March 4, $276 and license suspended.
Jackson Dale Clements, speeding (92/65) June 23, $276.
Robert Gene Ehrlich, Marion, failure to wear a seatbelt June 1, $10.
Donna June Evans, Cottonwood Falls, speeding (74/65) May 10, $153.
Brandon A. Hada, Hutchinson, speeding (84/65) May 13, $207.
Richard E. Idleman, El Dorado, speeding (82/65) May 4, $195.
George Frederick Miehle, Matfield Green, failure to wear a seatbelt June 16, $10.
Christopher Jon Regier, failure to wear a seatbelt June 16, $10.
Roberto Gregory Romero, Manhattan, speeding (89/65), no proof of liability insurance, and improper registration April 26, $559 and license suspended.
Mariktza Smith, Junction City, speeding (92/65) May 25, $276.
Michael David Steiner, failure to wear a seatbelt June 15, $10.
Kyle N. Unruh, speeding (86/65) June 16, $223.
Last modified July 6, 2017