division cases
The following information has been filed in traffic division of Marion County District Court. Dollar amounts are fine and costs:
Scott E. Bailey, speed; $129.50.
Todd A. Baldwin, speed; $165.50.
Craig A. Banman, speed; $165.50.
Darrell D. Collins, speed; $123.50.
Stanley M. Diedrich III, speed; $123.50.
Karen K. Dirksen, speed; $129.50.
Justin R. Ebbrecht, speed; $129.50.
John D. Ford, speed; $264.50.
Alonzo Harrison, speed; $153.50.
Saralouise T. Jones, speed; $129.50.
Jeffrey T. Lingafelter, speed; $129.50.
Chadron R. Marrero, speed; $171.50.
Megan E. McCarty, speed; $123.50.
Kaylen L. Miller, speed and failure to wear seatbelt; $315.50.
Elizabeth OBrian, speed; $177.50.
Kenneth D. Perry, speed; $192.50.
Van M. Peters, speed and failure to wear seatbelt; $146.
Janette D. R. Prockish, sp