This information was filed in traffic division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address listed, no address was available on court records.
Daniel Alton Duckworth, Liberty Hill, Texas, speeding (89 mph in a 65 mph zone) Dec. 22, deferred adjudication, $399.
Katelyn May Entz, Newton, speeding (80/65) Jan. 28, deferred adjudication, $308.
Nichel Anne Pavlicek, Marion, failure to yield Nov. 25, $183.
Douglas A. Snead, Derby, speeding (81/65) Dec. 7, deferred adjudication, $314.
D. Juan A. Town, Chicago, speeding (90/65) July 24, 2015, license suspended $258.
Shari Lynae Weisbeck, speeding (80/65) Jan. 13, $183.
Precious J. Wilkerson, Rosedale, Maryland, speeding (86/65) Jan. 14, $222.