division cases
Cory James Abbott, violation of a basic rule governing speed of vehicles; fine and costs, $135.
Ruthie M. Alley, speed; fine and costs, $201.
Yendis R. Bolling, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Randy R. Carlson, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Julio C. Castellanos, speed; fine and costs, $135.
Yong B. Cho, speed; fine and costs, $123.
Jennifer L. Crews, speed; fine and costs, $159.
Sterling J. Curry, speed; fine and costs, $135.
Alexandra R. Dauffenbach, speed; fine and costs, $141.
Pricilla I. Dorman, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Nancy Y. Fruechting, speed; fine and costs, $153.
Jamie Gonzalez-Cuevas, speed; fine and costs, $174.
Caroline M. Gray, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Anthony Helzer, DUI (second conviction); fine and costs, $1,526.
Adam R. Hett, improper passing by increasing speed when passing; fine and costs, $135.
Colby J. Hett, speed; fine and costs, $165.
Danyel L. Kallansrud, failure to yield at stop or yield sign; fine and costs, $141.
Miranda R. King, speed; fine and costs, $141.
Cynthia K. Leis, speed; fine and costs, $144.