division cases
The following information has been filed in traffic division of Marion County District Court. Dollar amounts are fine and costs:
Crista S. Childress, speed; $116.
Nathanael P. Clark, speed; $194.
Sharon Yvette Grey Elamin, speed; $129.
Madeline D. Estrada, speed; $245.
William L. Galle, speed; $221.
Colton T. Gann, speed; $158.
Serena Kay Gibbs, speed; $116.
John T. Jurecko, speed; $158.
Elizabeth B. Karzon, speed; $116.
Billy J. Knowles Jr., transporting an open container; $236.
Meng L. Kong, speed; $257.
Guillermo Lobatos, speed; $146.
Ryan J. Locke, failure to have vehicle registration and liability insurance; $514.
Hannah R. Reusser, speed; $116.
Michele C. Scruton, speed; $116.
Robert J. Stahly, speed; $116.
Jennifer L. Troutner, speed; $116.
David L. Walker Sr., speed; $164.
Richard J. Watts, violation of driving on right side of roadway required; $135.
Gabriel H. Wells, speed; $185.
Erin E. Wetta, speed; $146.