Vaccination clinics set for seniors
Staff writer
County residents who got their first COVID-19 vaccinations Feb. 3 are getting booster shots today at the county fairgrounds.
On March 10, booster shots will be given to people who were vaccinated Feb. 10. Location will be at the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts at Tabor. Appointment time is the same as the Feb. 10 clinic.
On March 11, 400 shots will be given for people 65 and older at the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts at Tabor.
The health department is still working to vaccinate people ages 65 and older. After that, vaccinations for younger groups will begin.
“We will continue to call those who put their names on a list with the health department or their physician,” health department office manager Jessica Gilbert said. “These appointment calls are made by county personnel — either health department or county clerk staff. If you are 65 and older, want the vaccine and have not put your name on a list, please call the health department, (620) 382-2550 for an appointment.”
People who were vaccinated Feb. 17 will be given booster shots March 17 at the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts at Tabor. Appointment times will be the same as the Feb. 17 appointment time.
People vaccinated on Feb. 24 will get booster shots March 24 at Hillsboro City Hall. This clinic will be at Hillsboro City Hall, 811 Grand St. The appointment times are written on the back of their vaccination card.
People vaccinated March 11 will get booster shots April 7 at the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts at Tabor. Appointment times will be written on the backs of their cards.
Last modified March 3, 2021