• Last modified 296 days ago (April 18, 2024)


Volunteers wanted for cleanup

Staff writer

Like a clean place to sit when you fish?

Like a healthy lake environment for wildlife?

Volunteers are sought Saturday to help clean up Marion Reservoir.

The 20th annual trash pickup is coordinated by Great Plains Computers and Networking, Marion Reservoir Army Corps of Engineers, Tampa State Bank, Mudpuppies Missouri Stream Team #2642, and Thrivent.

Lloyd Davies, owner of GPCN, said although the reservoir cleanup started 22 years ago, this year’s event is considered the 20th annual because cleanups did not take place in 2020 and 2021.

Often, youth groups help with the cleanup. He’s heard that this year 4-H and Key Club members might help, but that hasn’t been confirmed.

Alexanderfeld Church and school groups sometimes help as well.

Birders come to volunteer as well as check out birds.

The reservoir is low this year. That makes things easier to find, Davies said, because they are not covered by so much water.

“There’s tons of fishing line,” Davies said.

People replace their line and leave the spool out there. Birds can get their legs caught in the fishing line and ultimately die because of it.

Over the years, volunteers found a geocache, memorial pop cans, and catfish noodling equipment.

Volunteers should dress to get grubby, walking the banks and shoreline of the lake picking up trash. Connecting waterways and riparian zone also will be cleaned.

Participants will meet at the Corps of Engineers office on the east side of the dam at 9 a.m. Gloves, trash bags and donuts will be provided.

Reservations can be made by calling (620) 382-2006 or (620) 382-2101.

No reservation? No problem. Walk-ups are welcome as well.

Last modified April 18, 2024