• Last modified 640 days ago (May 17, 2023)


What the department does

What the department does

Marion County health department director Krista Schneider kicked off a meeting Saturday at Florence Carriage Manor by asking attendees what services came to mind when they thought about the health department.

The No. 1 answer was vaccinations.

Health department staff members administered 2,696 vaccines from April 3, 2022, through April 2 of this year, Schneider said.

She said her department:

  • Provided services to 111 Women, Infants and Children clients last year
  • Checked 24 car seats since summer 2022
  • Educated 22 families about safe sleep since last summer
  • Distributed 135 life jackets and 38 smoke detectors during the past year
  • Performed 47 epidemiology and reportable disease investigations during the past year
  • Investigated 22 animal bite/rabies cases.
  • Inspected all public schools in the county’s five districts and one private school.

Last modified May 17, 2023