• Last modified 1143 days ago (June 9, 2021)


Wiccan garden a calming backyard oasis

Staff writer

From lavender growing in a cracked witch’s cauldron to plants in buckets, tanks, pots, a wheelbarrow, and even an old wringer washer, Autumn Hanson has a garden with something for everyone.

A large rubber ducky constantly bathes under a stream of water that runs from an old water pump into a stock tank where the ducky floats.

“I had someone out here who said, ‘You need to turn your water off, you’re going to overflow your tank,’ ” she said.

She grows ornamental pepper, Russian sage, petunia, marigolds, begonias, dead nettle, ice plant, thumbergia, ameria, tickseed, mums, fuchsia, bugleweed, wisteria, catnip, cat’s pajamas, and an array of other plants.

Included are herbs useful for healing, seasoning, making tea, a sense of calm, or casting spells. She grows rosemary, parsley, sage, mint, and oregano.

“Rosemary helps you sleep,” Hanson said.

Posts in the garden are dedicated to the four elements: earth air, fire, and water.

“Most people don’t realize their mental power is a lot stronger than they think it is,” Hanson said.

One of her planters was a gift from a friend, and looking at it reminds Hanson of that friend.

A shaded deck slung with a hammock and hung with citronella candles and plants growing in bird cages gives her a place to contemplate while she enjoys her garden.

Many of the planters, posts, and plant hangers she built herself.

“A true gardener doesn’t plant for themselves, they plant for those who will enjoy it,” Hanson said.

Last modified June 9, 2021