• Last modified 1113 days ago (Feb. 23, 2022)


Wind farm foe makes diversion agreement

Staff writer

A Florence man ordered in 2020 to stay at least 100 feet away from the county planning and zoning director has entered a six-month diversion agreement on a charge of violating the protection-from-stalking order.

Thomas Britain was charged May 6 with violating the order after he appeared May 3 at a county commission meeting where zoning director Sharon Omstead was talking to commissioners.

In November, 2020, a judge had ordered him to stay at least 100 feet away from Omstead after he allegedly made harassing and threatening comments to her in an incident at a Florence convenience store.

Under the terms of Britain’s diversion agreement, he will admit the complaint against him if the diversion agreement is later revoked for any violation of the law.

Any contact with law enforcement officers for any reason is to be reported to his diversion coordinator.

Britain is to pay $303 in fees.

Last modified Feb. 23, 2022