• Last modified 1235 days ago (April 28, 2021)


Work on Nighthawk begins

Work on 330th set to begin around June 1

Staff writer

Signs are up to notify drivers that a portion of Nighthawk Rd. is closed beginning at 140th Rd.

County engineer Brice Goebel said road closure will proceed north to US-56 as work is done.

Thirty culverts will be replaced and the road itself will be completely remade.

“It will be full-depth reclamation with a double chip seal,” Goebel said.

Goebel said he can’t predict when other sections of Nighthawk will be closed off. That will depend on how quickly the effort proceeds.

“We’re trying to notify everybody who’s affected before we close the road,” Goebel said.

Work on 330th Rd. east of Tampa will begin about June 1. That job also will be full-depth reclamation and double chip seal.

Last modified April 28, 2021