10 years ago

DECEMBER 25, 1991

Sen. Bob Dole's Christmas card features a full-color shot of Bown Corby Elementary School students greeting him on a visit to Marion earlier this year. The photo shows Dole greeting Brian Bina in his "Desert Storm" uniform as second graders wave flags.

Jost Construction Co. of Marion will build the addition to Marion Elementary School. Jost's low bid of $488,288 will include six classrooms, restrooms, and storage rooms.

Dale and Becky Nuss of rural Marion and Jerel and Serena Pankratz of Hillsboro attended the National Young Farmers educational institute Dec. 11-14 in Mobile, Ala.

Marion Elementary School students reaped the rewards of a good deed recently. Students raised $1,162 for the American Heat Association's "Jump Rope for Heart" campaign. All students received a jump rope, commemorative T-shirt, and a sports water bottle. Top winner was Amanda McLinden, who earned $345 in pledges. In addition to the other prizes she received a camera, sweat shirt, sports bag, stop watch, and other items, as well as a bicycle. Second place went to Heather Matz, who raised $104; Lisa Buchholz, $86; and Angie Moore, $83.

Dear Santa: I've been a good boy this year. I would like very much to have these things. Thanks a lot. Have a Merry Christmas and there will be some milk and cookies here for you. 1. Candy bar. 2. Pirate set. 3. Rock 'n roll guitar like Andrew's. 4. Toy box. Michael Brookens.
