10 years ago
JANUARY 20, 1993
Construction of the addition at St. Luke Living Center is slowly progressing despite snow, ice, and wet weather. Concrete footings for the addition have been poured but further work is dependent solely on improved weather. Many construction projects across the county are moving slowly because of poor conditions.
Ludwig Truck Line, Florence, was featured in the December issue of Mid-America Transporter. The two page article included a photo of owner Ron Ludwig and his son, Dan. The firm celebrated its 70th anniversary in June and is regarded as the oldest truck line in Kansas.
Kansas Off Road Riders held their annual awards banquet Jan. 9 at the Red Coach Inn in Wichita, naming the Green Acres Raceway as the "best track in Kansas."
Carol Hett prepared supper Friday evening in honor of her husband, Jim's birthday. Members of their Sunday school class were guests at the meal which was held in the basement of the Aulne church. Other birthdays honored were those of Nora Richter, Ruby Hett, and Lloyd Darrow.
Fourth graders in Deanna Thieroff's class at Marion Elementary School celebrated Martin Luther King Day by pinning clouds on their "I can make his dream come true" classroom bulletin board. The clouds were suggestions by the students on how to eliminate discrimination. Students' pictures are Kathy Rogers, Amanda Fruechting, Jenny Helmer, Heath Tajchman, Stacey Longhofer, and Tara Barnett.