10 years ago
OCTOBER 21, 1992
Nine people were appointed Monday to the new City of Marion Baseball Commission. They are John Mulvenon, Kevin Burkholder, Randy Robertson, Ron Cooper, Judy Versch, Mike Powers, Gary Hett, Doug Regnier, and Steve Smith.
Renee Gooding of Marion was crowned as FFA sweetheart at half-time of the football game Friday. She was escorted by Michel Soyez, president of the Marion High School FFA chapter.
Volunteers from 20th Century Club in the Adopt-A-Highway program cleaned ditches the morning of Oct. 10 on a two-mile stretch of K-150. Those who worked were Eileen Sieger, Gayle Thomas, Vivian Conyers, Shirley Jo Hett, Rosie Plenert, and Joyce Smith.
Nancy McCandis and Mike Fruechting were guests of honor at a miscellaneous kitchen shower Sunday at the Marion Christian Church. Hosts were Jim and Donna Fruechting, Jim and Pat Chamberland, and Delton and Joyce Richmond.
Kelly Linnens of Florence and Julie Graber of Hesston were crowned king and queen Saturday of homecoming festivities at Friends University.
Four members of the local VFW Auxiliary were in attendance Oct. 10 and 11 at the 4th District VFW Post and Auxiliary meeting in Junction City. They were Lenora Rudolph, Zeffie Marler, Sarah Powell, and Edith Loveless.
Kris Groening has been selected as student of the month by the Marion High School faculty.