10 years ago
AUGUST 5, 1992
A new flagpole was erected Friday at the north entryway to the Marion County Park and Lake. The flag will be illuminated from the ground at night.
On July 23, Deanna Klenda, Kansas Coordinator for POW/MIA attended the 23rd annual meeting of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia at Stouffer Concourse Hotel in Arlington, Va.
Janelle and Doug Paden began raising money in October 1990 for their trip as missionaries to United Arab Emirates and Nepal. The Topeka couple, now living on the farm of Janelle's parents, David and Shirley Bowers, will take religion classes through Tabor College and Butler County Community College in the fall and plan to leave with their two children, Abigail and Matthew, in January or February.
The latest entry in the Marion County Record Produce Derby is Irma Reznicek's 9 1/2 pound beet. She said the vegetable was "left behind" only to be found Monday morning growing among weeds with another slightly smaller beet.
Amanda and Andrew Bina, children of Raymond and Denice Bina of Lincolnville, are pictured as they model the T-shirts they won after competing Sunday in the Tri-Rivers Baby Beauty Contest sponsored by Salina Jaycees. Amanda won first place in her division and Andrew won third in his.
Nathan Smith of Marion, local agent for Shelter Insurance, has been named one of the top agents of the company.