10 years ago
Gov. Bill Graves was popular Monday night in Marion when he appeared before 120 Marion Chamber of Commerce members in the packed Our Savior Lutheran Church hall. He remained following the meeting to shake hands and meet those present.
Three members of the David Hanschu family — David, 64, his wife Mary Ann, 62, and their 37-year-old daughter, Sonja Garner — lost their lives this past week in a gruesome murder which occurred early on the morning of Jan. 19 at the Hanschu home in a suburb of Denver. David Hanschu grew up at Ramona. Mary Ann was the daughter of Henry and Esther Lemoine of Lincolnville. Son-in-law James Garner has become the prime suspect and was arrested Friday.
Marion High School junior Sarah Crofoot has been selected as student of the month by the Marion High School faculty. She is the daughter of Jim and Joni Crofoot.
Jerry Cady of Marion was one of three members cited for awards by Kansas Farmers Union during the recent convention at McPherson.
Florence Middle School held its annual spelling bee Jan. 21. Steven Waner won by correctly spelling "crochety." Jesse Shippy placed second. Steven and Jesse will participate in the Marion County Spelling Bee in February. Becky Taylor will be the alternate.
Marion County Extension Council, as part of its youth educational program, will sponsor a shooting sports air rifle program for girls and boys 9 to 19 years of age. The program will be taught by Wayne Weber, certified air rifle instructor.