10 years ago

APRIL 20, 1994

Marion County Commission gave formal approval Monday to an enhancement plan for construction of a Pizza Hut in Marion. As part of the countywide enterprise zone, sales tax on construction of the restaurant will be abated.

Piano students of Anita Hancock will perform a recital Sunday in Marion Municipal Auditorium. Students being presented include Randi Barnett, Joey Buchholz, Carla and Nick Carlson, Karson and Kelsey Craig, Sarah Goodin, Katrina Hancock, Ashley Harbison, Adam Heerey, Andy Holt, Stephanie Jensen, Melissa Moffitt, Amber Moore, Evan and Dusty Sharp, Heather Tajchman, Sarah Versch, Havi Wilcox, Sarah and Stacia Williams.

Marion Lions Club member Everett Burkhead received the Melvin E. Jones Award Saturday from Past International President Claude DeVorss of Wichita. Lions Club members from throughout Kansas District 17 were in Marion for the event.

Marion County Commissioner Linda Peterson was elected president of the North Central Kansas County Highway Official Association at the spring meeting April 14 at Mankato.

Merri Greene, daughter of Meg Greene of Marion, has signed with McPherson College to play volleyball and basketball this coming year. She is a transfer student from Fort Hays State University.

Helen Reznicek has been selected "Teacher of the Month" at Marion High School. Reznicek teaches keyboarding, personal finance, accounting, and is a sophomore class sponsor. She also is involved with Butler County Community College Outreach Program.
