10 years ago

AUGUST 4, 1993

Rex and Vernolis Siebert will host the annual tour of the Kansas Hereford Association for breakfast Monday at their Diamond X Ranch three miles west of Marion.

Descendants of Mabel and Bert McCullough met for their ninth reunion last week near Green Mountain Falls, Colo. For over 30 years they have met every four years in a different location.

Michelle S. Thole has joined WestPlains Energy in the position of senior internal auditor in the electric utility's General Accounting and Data Procession Center at Dodge City. She is the daughter of Jon and Suzanne Thole of Marion.

Aid Association of Lutherans (AAL) Branch 2798, Marion, is honoring John Brewer for his continued and timeless assistance and promotion of the Sunday school, Lutheran Youth Fellowship, and congregational activities. A brunch will be served in his honor in Our Savior Lutheran Church parish hall after church services Sunday.

The 21st annual observance of Labor Day will be celebrated at Burdick the first weekend in September and will included a quilt and hankie display.

Christian Vogel, 17, of Viberg, Denmark, will join Christian Pederson as a Dane in Marion. Vogel will live with Sherman and Wanda Kelsey and will attend Marion High School as a senior where he hopes to play football and be active in school events. Pederson lives with Thad and Janie Meierhoff and recently returned to Marion following a trip to visit his parents in Copenhagen Denmark. He also will attend Marion High School.
