10 years ago
Kansas Attorney General Carla Stovall, a native of Marion, will be welcomed home Sunday afternoon following Old Settlers' Day. A group of Marion County friends will sponsor an open house for General Stovall, at the home of Dave and Jackie Crofoot, Marion County Lake.
Monarch butterflies are migrating south by the hundreds of thousands across Marion County. Dr. Caleb Abbott, Marion optometrist, was lucky enough to capture a tagged Monarch and release it on the flight south. Scientists have tagged them to study their habits. The colorful creatures are an attraction each year at this time.
Among those who earned awards during the Kansas State Fair, which ended Sunday was Judy Christensen, Marion, third, in professional division decorative art, 706 folk art; and first place in 708 decorative painting.
The 19th annual Marion Art in the Park and Craft Show starts Saturday in Central Park. Booths open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m.
Gov. Bill Graves will visit Marion County Thursday as part of the annual Kansas Farm Bureau Farm and Ranch Field Day.
Junior Girl Scout Troop #60 enjoyed a recreation-filled, as well as educational, weekend Aug. 23 and 24. Girls participating were Molly Rhodes, Amber Richmond, Kristy Hess, Kylie Hardey, Erin Fruechting, Courtney Geis, Emmy Bowers, Ashlee Moore, Ashlee Pickering, Amanda Steiner, Stephanie Bryant, Jillyan Berg, Carla Carlson, Lynn Hess and Rhonny Bowers.
Committees are hard at work in the community of Lincolnville, making plans and completing details for the annual Octoberfest to be held there Oct. 4. The festival is a community effort, with the public invited from over a wide area.
Members and guests of Marion County Historical Society enjoyed a luncheon Tuesday noon at Clover Cliff Ranch. Afterward, there was a planning meeting for the year and the group took a tour of the house.