10 years ago

According to committee chairman Judy Christensen, Marion's 19th annual Art in the Park Saturday was the largest ever. She said 260 booth spaces were sold, 60 more than last year. The fair brought 30,000 or 40,000 people to town, the largest crowd ever.

Rain or shine, Old Settlers' Day activities will be held this weekend. Theme for the 86th annual celebration is "Legends of Marion." OSD is an annual project of Marion Kiwanis Club which is financed by contributions from local businesses. General chairman this year is Mike Classen.

Governor Bill Graves, several members of his cabinet and several state legislators visited area farms and ranches this past week. The tour started at Donahue Manufacturing in Durham.

A man who knew Mother Teresa will be the guest speaker Oct. 9 at the annual meeting of Marion County Senior Citizens. Gary Mason is site manager for the Emporia Senior Center. He traveled to India in 1988 and 1989 to meet Mother Teresa.

Jamie Leigh, 15-year-old country western singer from El Dorado, was kept busy Saturday in Marion's Central Park, autographing photographs and T-shirts between performances during the annual Art in the Park.

Centre High School's 1997 fall homecoming king and queen will be crowned Friday in a ceremony at the school's football field. Queen candidates are Kelli Peterson, Misty Moffett, Teri Miller, and Sandy Mille. King candidates are Kevin Steiner, Fred Silhan, David Rziha, and Nolan Brunner.

Larry and Deana Olsen, Marion, took five miniature horses to the Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson. They competed and won awards in several events, including obstacle, halter, showmanship, and driving classes.
