10 years ago
DECEMBER 21, 1994
Christmas home decoration winners have been announced by the Marion Chamber of Commerce. First place went to Jim Giesbrechts, 129 South Cedar; second, Forrest Kelsey, 711 South Coble; and third, Gordon Pendergrafts, #2 Random Road, Marion County Lake. Earning honorable mention were Walter Normans, 72 Lakeshore Drive, and Lou Wegerers, 306 South Thorp.
Dennis Youk of Durham was re-elected to the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts board of directors at the recent annual meeting. Youk will serve as vice president.
The Elmdale branch of the State Bank of Whiting will be donated to Camp Wood YMCA, officers announced in a press release Dec. l5. The camp business office will move to the building sometime after the first of the year. Camp program offices will remain at camp.
Members of Marion's Junior Girl Scout Troop 60 have had a busy year. Members of the troop are Skylar Bauman, Randi Barnett, Jillyan Berg, Jamie Bernhardt, Stephanie Bryant, Carla Carlson, Danielle Fowler, Amanda Fruechting, Lynn Hess, Melissa Moffit Ashlee Moore, Meredith Moore, Ashley Pickering, Heidi Pope, Maggie Powers, Amanda Steiner, Heather Tajchman, Tiffany Tajchman, Rebekah Taylor, Sara Zogelman, and Krista Zogelman.