10 years ago
March 27, 1996
Despite drastic changes in the clothing and retail industries, Van's Department Store has remained a constant in Marion for 50 years. This week, they celebrate their 50th anniversary. Store-wide specials are planned for this weekend.
E.D. "Rusty" Longhofer, 77, Marion businessman and community activist, died March 24 at St. Luke Hospital, Marion.
Mrs. George (Pearl) Baxter of Marion attended the International Flying Farmers state convention held at Colby during the weekend of March 15. Mrs. Baxter was among 15 present charter members of the organization attending the convention.
Stan and Donna May of rural Marion announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter KayLeah Dawn, to Matthew Gene Kukuk, son of Larry and Donna Kukuk of rural Marion. The couple will be married July 13.
Florence Middle School students Jessica Moore, Ashley DeForest, Mark Hanson, Jess Whiteman, and Kyle Ramsey recently were selected as incentive winners at the school. Students must have good grades, perfect attendance, and other requirements to qualify for the prizes.
Chuck Maggard, son of Dennis and Janis Maggard of Marion and a senior at Marion High School, has been awarded and eight-semester $2,000 scholarship by the Ecker-Fulkerson-Slifer VFW Post. He plans to attend Emporia State University where he will play football for the Hornets.
Judy and Jay Smith have purchased Gambino's of Marion. Judy has managed the local restaurant the past three years.