10 years ago
july 5, 1995
Central Paving of Benton has an asphalt plant operating just off Eisenhower Drive. The company is at work scraping old blacktop off streets and installing new overlay.
Stone Haven Bed and Breakfast in Florence held its official grand opening Saturday, with a ribbon cutting by the city council and chamber of commerce members. The building, which is still being remodeled, is a striking three-story limestone former school. Built in 1910 as Arnold School, it served the city until 1947.
Jennifer Thole, daughter of Jon and Suzanne Thole, has accepted a full-time position as office manager in the University of Kansas Sports Information office in Lawrence.
"Beary Special Babies" born at St. Luke Hospital during the months of May and June include Justin Robert Silhan, Cole Matthew Ehlers, Alecxander Beckford Watson, Wiley Edward Lundy, and Wyatt Austin Fistler.
Marion High School students Courtney Goering and Gabrielle Longhofer are attending Seven Days of Broadway, a music theater camp at Bethel College through Sunday.
"Buena comida mexicana" means "good Mexican food" in Spanish. In Lost, Springs, it means Al's Café. People have come to Al's from Wichita, Salina, Hutchinson, and of course, Marion County. It's a popular lunch and dinner spot for the locals.
Full Circle returns to Marion Summerfest Saturday evening with a performance on Luta Creek Stage sponsored by the Marion Chamber of Commerce. There is no admission charge to attend. The Lawrence band presents music that has tradition with a twist.