10 years ago
Korean journalists — some editors of multimillion circulation newspapers — visited the Marion County Record office with Bill Meyer, editor, and journalism professors, Tom Volek, Bob Basow, and Tom Eblen, from the University of Kansas. The journey through Kansas newspapers was guided by the professors and sponsored by the State Department's U.S. Information Agency.
Roger "Bud" Hannaford and Alex Case, Korean War vets traveled with their wives to the nation's capital for the dedication of the Korean War Memorial on July 27, 42 years after the armistice was called.
Mike Padgett has joined the staff at Central National Bank Marion County as a loan officer. Formerly of Florence, he is a graduate of Marion High School and Kansas State University with a degree in business.
Only two people were present for the City of Marion's public hearing Monday afternoon to answer questions and give opportunity to protest the street improvement project now underway and the special assessment that will be necessary to finance it.
A reunion of members of the family of James and Anna Conyers was held from July 27 to 30 at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colo. Serving as chairmen of the affair were Terry, Janette, and Scott Conyers of Gilmer, Texas.
Terri Lynn Helmer and Jeffrey Dean Bina, both of rural Marion, wish to announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. The couple plans to be married Nov. 4 at Holy Family Parish church in Pilsen.