25 years ago

JANUARY 18, 1978

Two water mains burst under Main Street Saturday afternoon and night, causing city crews to do a hasty repair job during adverse weather conditions.

Members of the Tampa ambulance crew attending the official presentation of an ambulance Friday night were George Kristek, fire chief; and EMTs Eleanor Murphy, Don Beisel, Pauline Kristek, Edwin Sklenar, Ramona Beisel, Evelyn Hensley, Phyllis Mueller, and Lloyd Mueller, crew captain and Tampa mayor.

Jeanette Ruth Kirstein and Edward John Hett exchanged double ring wedding vows Dec. 20 at Calvary Baptist Church, Stafford. The bride's father, pastor of the church, officiated at the ceremony.

Christopher T. Hett was guest of honor at a party Jan. 8 in celebration of his fifth birthday. Guests included Chris' parents Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Hett and Wendy, Mike Bruner, Chad Christensen, Mike Kline, Andy Hett, Jason Bernhardt, and Chris Berry. Lisa Wilson assisted with the games.

Six talented Marion High School artists have their works on display in Salina this week as part of the "young talent" display at Marymount. They are Doug McElhiney, Jamie Richmond, Doug Heerey, Kelly Bartlett, Jeff Griffith, and Troy Bridges.

At the Jan. 9th meeting of 20th Century Club, Mrs. Alex Case Jr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hannaford presented an interesting program about their recent trip to Europe. Special highlights included the Queen's Jubilee and several European festivals they attended.

Births announced this week include a son, Charles Richard Maggard II, born Jan. 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Maggard; a son, Brian Dale Wunderlick, born Jan. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wunderlick; and a daughter, Erica, born Jan. 16 to Mr. and Mrs. James Havlik of Ruston, La.

The annual Queen of the Courts basketball game will be Friday when Marion plays Council Grove. Queen candidates are Barbara Costello, Kay Blackman, and Paula Vinduska.
